[SONG REVIEW] Chase Me + Good Night - Dreamcatcher

How fitting these songs are for Halloween.

The main song that caught my eye on TV was Good Night but then I realised it was a follow-up to another song and did my homework quickly. Chase Me was released in January 2017 and the title for the girl group's second single album.

It combines metal riffs with a catchy beat to compliment a supernatural-themed MV. The Dreamcatcher girls are ghosts who haunt a house that an older man has come to visit and investigate the spirits. The big words "to be continued" at the end of the MV then leads to their next single Good Night that came out last April.

Good Night ups the game in the music's speed and catchiness and there's no holding back on the blood and horror theme as well. I feel I have been taken back to my old Jrock days. It's been a while indeed. Incredibly refreshing to see newer Kpop songs even nod to metal and/or rock and most definitely reminds me of epc Anime theme tunes. I hope to see more these compositions at some point by any group.

Chase Me

Good Night
