[SONG REVIEW] July - Kris Wu Yifan

picture originally from WYF's Instagram

Kris Wu Yifan has been a busy guy with many visits to fashion shows overseas, filming in different locations for upcoming film projects. But he hasn't forgotten his solo musician work just yet. For his 26th birthday he released his first English single titled July.

The teasers for the MV from social media didn't exactly entice me as much to begin with, so as a result I found myself not expecting too much. To be fair, the MV does not have a detailed plot. It's quite simple in the fact it is focused heavily on dancing, looking swag and spending time with prettiness in the car. I could almost say it is a box MV of sorts. So with a simple MV for a debut, how does the song fair?

Much like the teasers, I wasn't immediately impressed with the song upon first listening and it took me a while to work out the lyrics before I went to find them online. The song is mainly about spending some up close and personal time with a special someone but it has to end each day because of the mundane routine of going to work.

The idea of calling the song July according to an interview was due to wanting to make the current weather feel like summer while bopping away to this track. On the other hand, repeated listening made this a catchy tune to my ears so now it is growing on me. While I do admit I prefer Wu Yifan singing to slower, acoustic tracks for his Cpop side of things, I feel July is a good introduction to a more international audience, namely to those who don't know who he is exactly but it is also a bonus to the Meigeni across the globe. You can also see the MV has dancers of different ethnicities featured. So this will definitely get the attention of those who want diversity.

A dance version MV was released on 15 November. I always liked the one-take camera style so it's nice to see it used for the dance version.

Lyrics to July
