[ROUNDUP] Treasure T5 and UKISS

I think there is more to add but I can't remember aside from Treasure T5 and UKISS.    I'll hopefully add to this post.

I low-key listen to Treasure from time to time even though it's been so long since I dabbled with anything YG-related but I have Lee Soo Hyuk to also blame/thank for this.

Move is sexy Treasure and I was really not expecting this kind of song to come from the group or the unit at all since I came in completely blind, not looking at any teasers.  The MV came out later on and the styling was just amazing (hello to the Dior Sauvage placement and yes to the wardrobe throughout).  I guess I need to start watching Treasure Box soon.  

The Move MV can be seen below.

UKISS My goodness, how long has it been.  I never expected this reunion.  It's a lot different without Kevin but quite a treat to see AJ and Xander reappear to celebrate the group's 15th anniversary.  The Wonderful Escape is upbeat, maybe would be more enjoyable to many if it was released a few years ago since music evolves a lot over time. 

On the other hand the main vocalists still sound just as good.  It's a great nostalgic trip seeing them perform.  I may not have obviously followed UKISS throughout their career but I did a binge on their discography almost ten years ago and then saw them in Kentish Town in 2014.

Dance medley of some old songs leading up to The Wonderful Escape

Killing Voice Medley...KISSMEs will be hit with the nostalgia here.