The new year is kicking off to an otherwise pleasant start with tv series making a return slowly and me trying to get into new dramas or new artists slowly. Cobra Kai season 3 appeared from New Year's Day and the series once again hits those who were brought up or born in the 80s incredibly hard with nostalgia once again.
Season 3 really surprised me a lot. So many old faces from the first and second Karate Kid films made cameos. Ali was definitely at the top of my list to reappear and it was a joy to see her reunited with her ex-boyfriends. Even if they were already with other halves, they still had their pride and competitiveness to better one another. Ali could see it clearly and was a great mediator, as well as a hilarious source for Amanda by spilling the beans on how her relationships with Johnny and Daniel were back in the day.
Daniel visited Japan to try to save his car dealership business and naturally who else to bump into but Karate Kid 2 characters such as Kumiko and Chozen. The trailer teased us greatly, assuming Chozen would fight Daniel once more but thankfully it was sparring. Daniel also happened to discover other techniques in Miyagi Do that Miyagi Sensei did not show him, possibly because he was not ready at the time. Like with how Ali, Johnny and Daniel talked about the past, even Chozen and Kumiko showed how much they had grown over three decades.
Bowing down in shame over the years is often seen in Asian cultures (mosty East Asian I'm referring to here) but it might just be me when I say, it's getting a little tiring seeing this in Western media when it is a West VS East thing. Why is it when the Asian has antagonised the main (White) hero/heroine they have to be disciplined and repent in the shadow? Just to make the White knight look good?! Yes they do have their honour but it seems to be shown way too much in these kinds of medias that they have to begrudge some respect when they know they can't win.
Miguel awakens from his coma and spends most of the first part of season 3 trying to walk again with the help of his Sensei and eventually gets back on his feet. I always enjoy his interaction with Johnny. Xolo and William just bounce off each other incredibly well. The characters understand each other well and seeing Miguel tell Johnny to be quiet in the same way his Sensei does in the dojo was unexpected. The last fight in the finale made me worried he'd lose his balance and ability to walk again. His duel with Kyler was brutal. Actually the entire fight in the La Russo household was shocking. No mercy indeed. Best part of the Sensei and student scenes was when Johnny snuck wheelchair-bound Miguel into a Dee Snider concert.
Cobra Kai dojo itself is turning much darker since Johnny stepped back and Kreese took over and the students are growing rowdier. The rivalries end up going three ways with Miyagi Do VS Cobra Kai VS Johnny's new dojo Eagle Fang Karate.
With the younger folks, Yasmin reappears after a trip to Paris and lowers her bitchiness over the series, even taking a fancy to Demetri after she sees the pettiness of Cobra Kai gang in school. Kyler joins Cobra Kai and his intentional roasting of Eli/Hawk in the dojo backfires when he sees the latter smash the hell out of his school peer (deservedly so). He can do nothing but bow his head after that. What's even a little typical is that he is trying to multi-task between his studies (his father wanting him to pass trigonometry. So Asian) and Karate aka being a rebel.
Sam is unfortunately dealing with panic attacks after being scarred by Tory in the season 2 finale and is reluctant to return to her Karate training at first and not wanting to face anyone in school before confronting bitches to speak to her face to face. The suspension that the Counsellor issued the Miyagi Do students and then Sam saying, "This school sucks" was a nod to the first Karate Kid film since her Dad said the same thing. Situations like this make me not miss school. But then again workplaces are just as stupid right?
Robby is sadly unable to find his place throughout this series. He can't trust his father or Daniel and eventually turns to Kreese after serving time in juvie and joins Cobra Kai. I hope the writers give him something in season 4. At least he stood up for himself and fought the other offenders. Do we really need to stereotype all POC like that though? Oh well.
On the other hand, Demetri and Eli/Hawk managed to get more character development this time and it was great to see them also grow. Eli in particular did a 360 the moment he broke his best friend's arm. That regret was all over his face and then he did not want to repeat it again in the big fight. Their friendship mended in the end.
We also get more background story with John Kreese when he was in Vietnam. I'm not sure if the writers are trying to humanize his villainess here or just show that everyone no matter how much of a bully or nasty prick they are, they all have issues. Nobody is certainly a saint that's for sure. As Sam pointed out to Miguel when she visited in hospital, everyone has a sob story but it does not give everyone a right to be a bully (with regards to Tory). Either way it does give the viewers some understanding as to why Kreese is cold-hearted and cruel.
Aside from old cameos, this season was all about getting to know the characters. We see Tory's background briefly as well as Kreese's. There is also more importantly character growth for most of the characters and old grudges slowly fading away. If only my supposed grudges melted easily. Sometimes when someone or something reappears when you don't want them to, that's when the panic attacks strike. I understood Sam's struggle there. Even Hawk seeing Kyler show up at the dojo. It's like that moment where you have gained confidence and strength over time to conquear some of your fears then the one bully who shut you down in the past comes to your territory and your pain returns to you. Yes that is not a good feeling.
Season 4 is leading us to the All Valley Tournament to settle this big fight. Kreese said he would leave if he loses and Cobra Kai would go. Johnny and Daniel along with their students team up and train together. It's going to be a battle to the end. Let's hope the next series will be just as surprising, more hilarious in the generation gap (Johnny it's hash tag ok?) and perhaps allow more old faces from the films to reappear.
Trailer for Cobra Kai season 3 can be seen below:-